Friday, November 12, 2010

A Song In The Key of Life -Yung Fly

Often times in life words are forgotten and actions resonate for eternity, but for some reason I feel the need to share these words with you. How I got here is a story that is better off left to be told through my music but what I have come to understand is that a closed mouth never gets fed and words left unsaid are like dreams left deferred they tend to eat at us to the point where its hard to get from point A to point B. My moment of clarity came at a point of mental despair and physical outrage. I have never been one to claim that I have all the answers but I have been blessed with the ability to stay in tune with the beautiful struggle that my people seem to face on a daily bases. And with this blessing comes a curse because it is humanly impossible for me to ignore the painful melody that life seems to play for so many close to me. I consider myself a voice, not a voice for trends,not a voice of reason but a voice of truth and with this voice I feel it is my duty to bring to light the frustrations of both my brothers and sisters.  You see my family tree stretches beyond my bloodline and each branch plays an intricate part in my development as a man. So when I speak of family my thoughts tend to go beyond mother, father and brother. Anyone who knows me, knows that my heart extends past that of a normal human being. I am not nor shall I ever be a selfish being and to consider living my life in any other fashion makes my stomach turn.

I have been asking myself a question for the past few days. "Where do the strong go when they feel weak?" And this question has been lingering around my mental for awhile now. I've been told that the best way to respond to such a feeling is to turn to the Most High and for so many reasons I agree with that statement but that becomes hard when you feel you need a humans touch to feel that weak spot within your soul and my selflessness won't allow me to bare that pain with another. You see I have mastered the art of helping others but when it comes to asking for help myself, I fall short. A wise young woman once told me that God puts more on his favorites because he knows that they can handle it. Those words have gotten me through some of my darkest hours but still I stand before you weak.

Honestly I don't expect for you to understand me and I just pray that you at least listen because for much of my life I remained silent out of fear of not being heard. But today is a new day and at this very moment I am finding peace in the silence of all the hearts that are sleep. All the children that have been tucked away dreaming of new game to play, all the lovers who have found one another as they clinch each other tight and find comfort in something so simple as sharing one cover. I am lover of the raw human state, I am often asked by people close to me "What do you want me to do?" and I frustrate so many because I respond with "whatever comes natural" because that reaction will truly define you as a human being. Because if I give you the answer you want receive the reward at the end. I've lost love ones because of this way of life. People have come and go because they could not handle my complex  way of thinking and I pray everyday that no one else goes astray because of the abstract mind that is me.

I could go on for days about all the heartache I have felt. I could speak for months about all the potential lovers who chose to fall short when all they had to do was hold on and believe in me. I could sit here and   cry a dozen rivers for all the late nights I spent in hospitals wondering where God would take me next. But honestly it all made me a force to be reckoned with and a stronger individual in so many different ways. Although certain black clouds will find their way back into my peripheral, I remain eternally blessed by this beautiful struggle and I am committed to give my all to you. Life.

1 comment:

  1. Deep stuff bro! Only thing thats gon get it IS IF U KEEP PUSHIN. No matter what!


The Life and Times of Yung Fly